Knowledge Cotton is the winner of Danish “Success Business– Sustainability” award

Knowledge Cotton is the winner of Danish “Success Business– Sustainability” award

The Success Business – Sustainability award is honored to businesses that do not quite get the attention they deserve despite great economic success. The special ‘sustainability prize’ puts focus on a business making efforts beyond what is expected.

The international clothing brand Knowledge Cotton Apparel was awarded the sustainability award “for showing that it is possible to generate a profit and still have great sustainability focus.”

A number of criteria must be met in order to receive the award. First of all, three KPIs are assessed: profit before tax, equity, and equity ratio. To receive the sustainability, prize the company must also, among many things, take on a responsibility that goes beyond their own core business and serves as an example to others. “Getting recognition for the hard work we put in to run a successful business obviously means a lot to us. Happily, more and more people see the need to consume responsibly, and we strive to push the business in sustainable clothing. We always put sustainability first, both in our own company and with our suppliers. It is a part of our responsible approach of social and environmental aspects,” says owner and CEO Mads Mørup.

“Textile production is one of the world’s most polluting industries. This family-owned business shows that sustainable clothing can be produced with respect for the environment, workers, and consumers. The company manages and documents sustainability from a holistic point of view. They also take on their responsibility throughout the production chain, which handles many and important matters such as climate, energy, water, chemicals, nature, and human rights. With the production of high quality and timeless design, the company also helps to extend textile life and thus reduce our consumption. The winner is thus a company that makes a difference with sustainable, slow fashion textile production, and which is also among the 200 companies in our region that have produced the most compelling financial results.”